Taylormade Kennel Update!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!
I love Fall and everything it entails; Halloween, Thanksgiving, school starting, leaves falling, and cool weather for our children and dogs to enjoy. It's such a great season!
Here is our Halloween Kennel Krew:
Now we are waiting for Pinkerton's puppies due December 13th, 2016. Pinkerton had 3 AI (Artificial Insemination) treatments and we are confident they were successful. I am hoping everything worked out to plan. This is a very difficult breed to produce due to the size difference in our dogs; Pinkerton 60 lbs and Sullivan 20 lbs which is a wide size gap, and would not happen naturally. Check out our Available Puppies Page.
Pinkerton has had some morning sickness, poor gal I feel her pain there! I can't wait for the pups to arrive, this will be Sullivan's 1st litter of puppies!!!
Piper, Reggie, Pinkerton, and Sullivan.
On another exciting note, we welcomed our new Human Baby to the Kennel Krew!
It was a miracle natural delivery, because I was suppose to have a c-section due to my having placenta previa. My delivery was a planned c-section at 37 weeks pregnancy. At my 37 week ultrasound with my specialist we found out that my placenta had moved and I no longer needed a c-section! What a miracle because this almost never occurs after 30 weeks of pregnancy and I knew God had my back on this one. I had been praying that my load would be lightened with all that goes on with having 7 children and 6 dogs, and He definitely helped me.
My water broke at 5:00 am, 2 days before my due date, on Sunday September 11th. My husband rushed me to the hospital which was about a 25 minute drive. Our baby had the cord wrapped around his neck 3 times and after an intense few hours at 8:15 am I was holding the most precious 8 lb, 21" inch baby in my arms. What a gift from God.
Now time for Puppies!!!
Let me know if your are interested in adding a fur baby to your home!