Bella (Infiniti)
Puppy was born on November 21, 2017 at 4:33 PM, weighing 11.7 oz. She is white and gold colored and is 1 of 6 females in a litter of 8 puppies. Her parents are Star and Sullivan and she is a pup from the Car Litter.
Puppy will be going home January 2018
About the Car Litter
Introducing our Car litter!
The puppies began to open their eyes at 10-14 days old. They began their early neurological Stimulation at 3-days-old. We know these puppies will be a family member for many happy years so we work very hard to give them the best start. We love and socialize puppies IN our home. We aim to produce super puppies that love people and are easy to train. Price includes a limited Health Guarantee to be free of Genetic defects.