Cooper (Ollie, aka Oliver Flynn)

Cooper was born on April 14, 2017 at 2:50 AM, weighing 0 lb 15.9 oz. He is white with golden spots and is 1 of 5 males in a litter of 8 puppies. His parents are Star and Sullivan and he is a pup from the Cheese Litter.

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About the Cheese Litter

When I was 17 years-old I was able to get a Golden Retriever to train to be a service dog through the Kansas Specialty Dog Service. Families are needed to raise and train service dogs for the 1st year of their life, and I being the dog person that I am, begged my parents to allow me to participate. I learned so much and that experience helps me today with our own breeding program. My Service Golden Retriever's name was Brie and all of the puppies were named after cheeses, so this litter 20 years later is dedicated to Brie Cheese and her siblings!

Introducing our Cheese litter! The puppies began to open their eyes at 10-14 days old. They began their early neurological Stimulation at 3-days-old. We know these puppies will be a family member for many happy years so we work very hard to give them the best start. Our vet examined the puppies and removed all of their dew claws and said "they look fabulous and are all perfect!" We love and socialize puppies IN our home. We aim to produce super puppies that love people and are easy to train. Price includes a limited Health Guarantee to be free of Genetic defects.

Meet Cooper's Parents

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Meet Cooper's Brothers and Sisters from the Cheese Litter!

Cooper's Growth Chart

Volhard Personality Profile Test

Cooper was mostly 3's

Mostly 3's This pup is outgoing and friendly and will adjust well in situations in which he receives regular training and exercise. He has a flexible temperament that adapts well to different types of environment, provided he is handled correctly. May be too much dog for a family with small children or an elderly couple who are sedentary.

Test Score (#)

Social Attraction






Social Dominance


Elevation Dominance




Touch Sensitivity


Sound Sensitivity


Sight Sensitivity




